Blogging: Three Strategies to Monetize Your Blog

With the rapid advancement of the digital age, blogs and internet tools have become integrals parts of any organisation’s structure. Regardless of industry or location, there is likely to be a blog written on a any topic. The number of bloggers in the United States is set to reach 31.7 million by the year 2020. Even more recently, the explosion of the social media scene in the world of business has seen the linking of bloggers and these social platforms to promote and critique products and servi...
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Expert Insights Into Wealth Creation

On the surface, it appears that debt is a surefire way of limiting wealth creation. Truth be told, not all debt is bad. There are certain types of debt that are regarded as good debt, while others are bad debt. Mortgages (for personal or business real estate) are typically considered good debt, as are student loans. Bad debt is not an investment that will grow in value, and it certainly doesn’t generate income over the long-term. A classic example of bad debt is credit card debt. There are stark...
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Turning Your Blog into a Money-Making Machine

When you originally started a blog, your intent may have been to offer the financial lessons you've learned from your past mistakes. Maybe you wanted an easy way to keep your family and friends up to date on the crazy antics of your children and how you go about parenting a child with special needs. Maybe you're an avid reader and you wanted to write in-depth book reviews. After you've been blogging for a while and your blog has evolved in to a much larger project generating some interest, the ...
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15 Creative Ways to Make Money in 2011

Have you ever opened your wallet to pay for gas and you saw a month flying out but no money anywhere in sight? Do not worry; you are not the only one feeling the effects of the current money crunch. When times get a bit rough, here are 15 creative ways to make a few extra dollars. While not every idea will work for every person, these are items that you can think about when the rent is due in a month and you are finding yourself a few dollars short. 1. Start a Part-Time Business from your Hom...
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Bolster Your Income with a Side Business; But Don’t Forget to Protect Your Assets

These days, maintaining multiple streams of income is fast becoming the status quo, not only as an earning booster, but also as a hedge of sorts in case one source of income dries up. Though many investors may recognize the need to hedge against a loss by spreading out the investments in their portfolio, if they are planning to bolster their income with a side business that same attitude often inexplicably falls away. While some business ideas may require little overhead, and thus entail low ris...
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Your Retirement is not Enough: What to Do When You’re Broke

Recessions come and go and inflation is here to stay. In your 40’s, economic ups and downs don’t affect you because you know that with about 20 years left before retirement, you’ll have plenty of earning opportunities. You change jobs, get promoted, and earn bonuses for outstanding performance. Your savings are modest but you know that they will grow, providing you with a comfortable nest egg. But life is full of detours. What happens when you reach your late 50s and early 60s and realize th...
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The Key To Building Long-Term Wealth

Do you know anyone who has the stated goal to retire broke? Of course not! Americans do not begin working in their 20’s in order to retire with no money in their 60’s. Now, let’s lay this truth down as an assumption, and stay with me as I build an argument. Thus, we have an assumption that, as a general rule, the average American wants to retire with plenty of money. Next, let’s examine the average earnings of most Americans. Have you ever considered how much money you will make in your lifetim...
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4 Ways Being Productive Online Can Pull You Out of a Financial Hole

People often fail to realize how productive online time can be. The expansive scope of the Internet means you have access to a massive amount of tools and information to better yourself personally and financially. Most importantly, by being productive online you can pull yourself out of a financial hole thanks to exclusive online money making opportunities. Whether you need to extra cash for the immediate future or working your way out of a debt filled financial hole, there are ways to become pr...
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Make Temporary Part-Time Jobs Work for You

For one reason or another, you've suddenly found yourself needing a little extra cash. Maybe you have fallen into a bad debt situation. Or maybe you're facing an inevitable change in your life, like a new baby or a move across the country. Or maybe you'd just like to save up for a nice vacation or some other treat for yourself. You obviously have many options to help you reach this new financial goal, but did you ever think that working another part-time job on top of your standard job could b...
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ACM Forex Review

In these tough economic times many people are looking for new ways to earn extra money, or to switch to a new career in an attempt to increase their salary. Trading on the currency market, or Forex trading as it is commonly known, can be a great way to achieve either of these. In the past Forex trading was something that could only be done by huge financial institutions such as banks, or extremely wealthy individual`s that had the ability to risk vast sums of money. It has only been in recen...
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