May 2011 Net Worth – $227,800.05

Not quite as impressive as some of the months we’ve been seeing lately, but thankfully still positive. The stock market struggled through May and prevented any impressive gains. Fortunately, I can still make up for those small losses with things I do control, like how much we put into savings.

3 thoughts on “May 2011 Net Worth – $227,800.05

  1. Clint,
    i’m impressed by your site, and even somewhat copied the idea to do a monthly review on my net worth. There’s one thing I don’t understand though: How do you calculate the growth in your home equity? I assume this is a market value?
    I’m struggling with this issue for my own house…

  2. Arthur,
    A lot of people struggle with determining the equity of their home. The people who use complicated methods to base it off monthly changes in market value, rarely stick to it for very long. What I do is simply take the appraised value of my home from a couple of years ago and subtract what I owe on the mortgage. I don’t make monthly adjustments for market value. The only change you’ll see on a month to month basis reflects the amount of money applied to the principal of the mortgage. For our situation, it’s simple to calculate and it’s a conservative estimate, and that’s the way I like it.

  3. Congratulations on your progress, you’ve had a solid 11 months of net worth expansion. I hope that I can achieve the same.

    Selling Theta

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