Should You Develop a Print Reselling Scheme?

print reselling
If you are currently the owner of a print company, you might be considering whether developing a print reselling scheme is worth it or not. Here is a guide for all those who want to improve their reach and connect with more customers by offering their print to resellers such as graphic designers but are not sure whether this is the best course of action or not.  Is your company struggling?  If your company is currently doing well, you might not have the need for a print reselling...
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December 2023 Net Worth

net worth
Every month I post my updated net worth for those that are interested in following my progress. I have been tracking my net worth online since January 2006. I enjoy compiling the numbers each month, and doing so keeps me motivated, focused, and accountable. Well, I sort of hoped I could end the year at $2 million, but fell just a little short. All in all, it was a good year where my net worth increased nearly half a million dollars from January 1st. There has been an interesting ...
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What It Takes To Become a Public Health Professional

public health professional
Embarking on a career in public health is both a noble and challenging endeavor. This field, dedicated to improving the health and well-being of communities, demands a unique blend of passion, knowledge, and skills. Whether you're considering a career in epidemiology, health education, or environmental health, understanding what it takes to become a public health professional is crucial. Understanding the Educational Pathway The journey to a career in public health typically begins with e...
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Betting on the Bullish Bullfight: Can Stocks Stomp Higher in 2024?

stock market 2024
Wall Street, the eternal optimist, is dusting off its matador cape and eyeing the 2024 stock market with a determined glint. After a year of dodging economic banderillas, the bigwigs are predicting a bullish spectacle, with the S&P 500 potentially charging past 5,100 by December's end - a 10% victory lap compared to today's ring. Citigroup, the fearless lead matador, champions this confident forecast. Others, like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, join the cheering section, painting...
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November 2023 Net Worth

Dec2023 Net Worth
Every month I post my updated net worth for those that are interested in following my progress. I have been tracking my net worth online since January 2006. I enjoy compiling the numbers each month, and doing so keeps me motivated, focused, and accountable. Big gains in the retirement accounts thanks to market performance. It's nice to see that line item over a million again, but kind of sad to remember how long ago it crossed that mark the first time. Hopefully this time we'll be here...
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What is Index Trading, and How to Trade Indices?

index trading
Are you seeking an exciting yet accessible way to diversify your trading strategy? Index trading allows investors to trade baskets of assets as a single security. By understanding how to engage in index trading, traders can add an efficient and profitable component to their portfolio.  This article will explore precisely what index trading is and explain why it should be part of any intelligent investor's repertoire. We'll look at different types of indices, the benefits they provid...
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The Catalyst of Change: Green Chemistry in Pharmaceutical

In the labyrinth of modern medicine, the production of pharmaceuticals is a double-edged sword. On one side, it promises health and healing; on the other, it casts a long shadow on our environment through substantial waste and pollution. Yet, a beacon of hope emerges through the principles of green chemistry, aiming to reconcile industrial progress with environmental stewardship. This transformative approach is not just a trend but a necessary evolution in the pharmaceutical industry's jour...
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October 2023 Net Worth

Oct2023 Net Worth
Every month I post my updated net worth for those that are interested in following my progress. I have been tracking my net worth online since January 2006. I enjoy compiling the numbers each month, and doing so keeps me motivated, focused, and accountable. Nothing significant to report.
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EXANTE Cleared of SEC Insider Trading Charges: A Detailed Analysis

In 2015, EXANTE, a prominent global broker, faced an unexpected challenge when the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) erroneously implicated it in an insider tradingscandal. The SEC's misclassification of EXANTE as a hedge fund involved in illicit tradingactivities led to a series of complications, including frozen client assets and negativepublicity. However, EXANTE's prompt and efficient response to the SEC's allegationsfacilitated a swift resolution, resulting in the SEC cleari...
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September 2023 Net Worth

Every month I post my updated net worth for those that are interested in following my progress. I have been tracking my net worth online since January 2006. I enjoy compiling the numbers each month, and doing so keeps me motivated, focused, and accountable. As I mentioned last month, we bought a 5th wheel travel trailer. So, our net worth has taken a bit of a hit from selling one of our rental properties and then using that money to buy a truck and a travel trailer. While I do not incl...
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