It's always good to have a financial plan--a fiscal blueprint that provides you with a step-by-step path to your monetary goals. Something to strive for. A plan of attack.
But what happens when an unforeseen obstacle pops up, blocking your path? Without adequate safety measures in place, you could find your goals, suddenly, nowhere in sight. Completely out of reach.
Thankfully, you can protect yourself against many of these roadblocks. And one important way to do this is to secure the rig...
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How To Be Frugal With Health Insurance
Sooner or later, everyone needs health care. Health insurance may seem like an unnecessary expense when you're young and healthy, but it can pay off when you least expect it. It may be difficult to shell out your hard-earned money each month, but it is an investment not only in your well-being but also your peace of mind. While it's an important expense for everyone, there are ways to cut your costs and slim down that monthly bill.
How healthy are you?
If you're in good health and have a histor...
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Pros and Cons of Buying Auto Insurance Online
It is a good practice to check alternative quotes every so often. Renewal periods are great for searching the best deal for your circumstances. General consensus is that people who don’t check their options for some time are likely to be losing out on good savings. Your circumstances and the current insurer’s rates can change over time that switching can offer you better coverage and lower premiums from another at least equally reputable insurer.
Your Options at Renewals
When you receive your ...
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Tips On Lowering Home Insurance Costs
There are few assets more valuable than your home and so to have home insurance is a bit of a no-brainer. And if you have a mortgage outstanding on your home, then home insurance is a pre-requisite. Contents cover is always more of a choice, but think about it, if your house was damaged by flood or fire, how would you feel about having to replace all your possessions without any insurance cover?
But you don’t want to have to pay more for home insurance than you need to. With any luck, you’ll ...
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8 Health Insurance Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making
Health insurance is one of those necessary evils in life. No matter how healthy you are or what kind of work you do, everyone needs to have health insurance. But choosing the right health insurance is not an easy task. Health insurance should be selected according to individual needs and circumstances -- it is not a one-size-fits-all sort of product.
There is a certain amount of uncertainty involved in purchasing health insurance. After all, regardless of your current health status, it is im...
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Save Your Insurance Rates with These Speeding Apps
When it comes to insurance, like everything else, people are looking for ways to save money. This process can start with a discussion with your agent. In some cases, you may not be aware of all the discounts and other savings you may qualify for. Savings can be based on such things as your driving record, the type of car you drive, your age, and other factors.
This article offers solid advice on some speeding apps that can save you money (directly or indirectly) on your car insurance rates. B...
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Top 5 Ways to Save Some Green on Your Car Insurance

Car insurance is a necessary evil. You’re required by law to have it, but it can often just feel like one more added expense in these difficult economic times.
The good news is that the chances are high that you are spending too much on your car insurance. Are you a safe driver? Do you have good credit? Do you drive with low frequency? If you said yes to any of these questions, you are likely in for a financial treat.
Here, we’ll review the top five great ways to help you save some money on ...
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Ways To Buy The Best Car Insurance
Car insurance is a necessary and permanent part of vehicle ownership and it is important that consumers find the best car insurance and rates when purchasing a new policy. Because there is a huge variety in price, coverage, and customer service quality offered between different insurance companies, you must comparison shop policies to get the ideal coverage for you and your family. There are multiple ways you can go about ensuring you buy the best car insurance.
Coverage Options
Insurance ...
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Term vs. Whole Life Insurance
In recent years, whole life insurance has been criticized as a poor investment, offering low returns and high premiums. Many financial advisors and specialists have recommended term life insurance, which has lower premiums. Some have suggested that individuals not buy life insurance at all, but instead invest the money they would have paid in premiums in other financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, ETFs, etc. However, term and whole life insurance policies do ha...
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Home Insurance Quotes For The Security Of Your Valued Property
The value of something special is not fairly determined until it is lost by the owner. However, this may not be true in all cases because you can already know how valuable an item is the moment you buy and care for it. Since property is something that usually costs a large amount of money, you may have a personal attachment to it as a homeowner. This is the reason why severe damage or loss of your home would be a huge a regret especially when you cannot recover anything from your home insurance....
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