In these financially unstable times, many people have found that their credit rating suffers quite a bit of damage. With the ensuing credit issues it may seem almost impossible to get the simplest of necessities back on in ones life. One such necessity is a telephone, and most companies are rather resistant to providing to those they perceive as a risk. The good news is that you can still get a bad credit cell phone.
The solution is to be had with a pre-paid, or pay as you go, program. These ...
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bad credit
Improving Your FICO Score
Credit scores, also referred to as FICO scores, can be rightly termed as a way to determine the credibility of an individual for assuming debt. These FICO scores are calculated using software developed by Fair Isaac Corp and are entirely dependent on the past credit history of the individual. All the three major credit-reporting agencies, namely Equifax, Experian and TransUnion calculate these scores and rate the credit risk potential of every individual.
Building a good credit history is man...
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A Home Improvement Loan – Will it Work for You?
Who doesn't feel the need to enhance the beauty of his home? As it goes, a house is a basic need of all human beings be they rich or poor. A roof that can be used to protect the head against the extreme weather as well as the four walls of such structure to shield you from the external harms is deemed significant to define existence. Nevertheless, turning the structure into a cozy place that is filled with love and harmony called home is similarly called for to end up surviving at its level best...
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