As a recent article published here on Accumulating Money has demonstrated, there are several reasons why people spend more money than they earn, and all of us, no matter who we are, have spent more than we should have at some point in our lives. While saving money does take discipline and willpower, it may also be beneficial to think about your moods and behaviors that cause you to spend money in the first place. When we plan to save money, we usually think of the specific objects on which we ar...
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Compound Interest – The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

What did Albert Einstein, well known for being smarter than the average cat, claim to be the most powerful force in the universe? ... Compound interest!
Compound Interest has also been called the eighth wonder of the world and the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.
Fortunately for the rest of us, you don't have to be a genius to understand compound interest. In fact, it's pretty simple. (more…)
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